Myriam Schweingruber
myriam at
Thu Nov 7 06:54:10 UTC 2013
On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 7:30 AM, Basil Chupin <blchupin at> wrote:
> A copy of a post which refuses to be posted in this list:
> On 07/11/13 01:44, Myriam Schweingruber wrote:
>> Hi Basil,
>> We have a little problem here, as, despite what you say, you are
>> advertising an different distribution as the kubuntu-users mailing
>> list is about.
>> What distribution you use is your choice, but please abstain from
>> giving any advice or mention of a different one, as that would be
>> totally off topic.
>> Similarly, please keep private chatter out of the list. If you want to
>> find out where somebody lives, this is not matter for this mailing
>> list, you can drop them a private mail.
>> Thanks in advance for respecting the rules.
>> Regards, Myriam
> I responded to the above message some 20+ minutes ago but my response has
> not reached this list.
> But other posts I made following my response to the above did make it to
> this list.
> Fascinating, intriguing and puzzling to say the least.......
> BC
> ADDENDUM: the time mentioned in the above message is now "1hour+ ago" and
> not "some 20+ minutes".
*sigh* you should have checked again, this was a private mail...
Regards, Myriam
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