Version 11.10

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at
Wed Oct 26 11:47:47 UTC 2011

On Wednesday, October 26, 2011 12:19:35 PM Neil Winchurst wrote:
> Pastor JW wrote:
> > Problem being iced tea does not work with things like E-Trade's
> > streaming
> > quotes or any other financial site's pages that I use.  It in fact
> > wouldn't work with 14 of my most used bookmarked sites rendering my
> > computer useless for what I needed it to do.  I fail to see what is
> > wrong with having a working computer.
> And, going back to my original moan, my installation of Mint 10 KDE
> came with a lot of plug-ins already installed including QuickTime,
> RealPlayer, Windows Media Player, DivX, and mPlayer. None of those
> appeared in the installation of KDE 11.10 and so far I have not been
> able to find them.
> So, as I said, I will be staying with my copy of Mint 10 for a long
> time yet. At least, I now know the sutuation and I will research very
> carefully before moving on to an upgrade or a change of distro next year.
> Neil

I don't think you are trying very hard:

aptitude search mplayer

p   gnome-mplayer                           - A GTK+ interface for MPlayer                     
p   gnome-mplayer-dbg                       - A GTK+ interface for MPlayer 
(debugging symbols) 
p   kmplayer                                - media player for KDE                             
i   mplayer                                 - movie player for Unix-like 
p   mplayer-dbg                             - debugging symbols for MPlayer                    
p   mplayer-doc                             - documentation for MPlayer                        
i   mplayer-fonts                           - Fonts for mplayer                                
v   mplayer-skin                            -                                                  
i   mplayer-skin-blue                       - Transitional package for the 
'blue' mplayer-skin 
i   mplayer-skins                           - Skins for the Mplayer package                    
p   mplayer2                                - next generation movie player for 
Unix-like system
p   mplayer2-dbg                            - Debugging symbols for mplayer2                   
p   mplayerthumbs                           - video thumbnail generator using 
p   python-templayer                        - layered template library for 
v   python2.5-templayer                     -                                                  
v   python2.6-templayer                     -                                                  
p   remuco-mplayer                          - duplex remote control for media 
players - MPlayer
p   smplayer                                - complete front-end for MPlayer                   
p   smplayer-themes                         - complete front-end for MPlayer - 
icon themes     
p   smplayer-translations                   - complete front-end for MPlayer - 
translation file
p   vdr-plugin-mplayer                      - MPlayer playback plugin for VDR             

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