Version 11.10

Gil Gibbons gilgib1 at
Mon Oct 24 18:27:07 UTC 2011

Allow Canonical Partner in the repository

On 10/24/2011 09:45 AM, Thomas Olsen wrote:
> On Monday 24 October 2011 15:11 Thomas Olsen wrote:
>> On Monday 24 October 2011 08:53 Bruce Marshall wrote:
>>> On Monday, October 24, 2011 12:40:45 PM Neil Winchurst wrote:
>>>> Can anyone point me in the right direction please? I must be missing
>>>> something somewhere. I would like to go back to Kubuntu, but not if
>>>> there will be problems with add-ons for FF. Luckily I am just
>>>> looking at it in VBox, so no harm done to my copy of Mint.
>>> I don't use FF much but I just fired it up on 11.10  and it seems that
>>> all of my add-ons (about 10) are there.   I don't think this is a
>>> problem with 11.10
>> I can't figure how to install the java plugin now that the Sun/Oracle one is
>> no longer in the repositories.  OpenJDK doesn't work for my netbanking so
>> it's kinda crucial :-/
> I got Sun/Oracle working now.
> Downloaded the jre at
> Installed in /usr/java and ran:
> mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins
> cd ~/.mozilla/plugins
> ln -s /usr/java/jre1.6.0_29/lib/amd64/ .

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