digital clock widget shows time only in 24 hours format
Juan R. de Silva
juan.r.d.silva at
Tue Nov 29 01:01:53 UTC 2011
On Mon, 28 Nov 2011 19:32:16 -0500, Tom Bell wrote:
> On 11/28/2011 4:40 PM, Bruce Marshall wrote:
>> On Monday, November 28, 2011 09:19:36 PM Juan R. de Silva wrote:
>>> On Sun, 27 Nov 2011 23:56:24 +0000, Juan R. de Silva wrote:
>>>> As subject says the digital clock widget does not respect system
>>>> settings and keep showing time in 24 hours format.
>>>> Any solution, please. I checked it with Majeia and openSuse, both
>>>> respect system settings.
>>>> Thanks.
>>> anyone, please?
>> Seems to be working here..... and I don't even see an option to make
>> it show 24 hour format.....
>> I'm using long-date for format and Ameria/Detroit for time.
> That's "System Settings" => Locale => "Country/Region & Language"
> =>"Date & Time" => "Time format", then select the time format. Should
> work fine.
This is exactly were I've mad my preferred settings. And it does work in
that panel. I mean I see my changes taking effect on the bottom of the
panel itself.
However Digital Clock respects Date format as set in "Date & Time" but
does not respect Time format and instead keeps showing time in 24 hours
Anybody knows were Digital Clock keeps its settings. It might provide
helpful to delete existing settings and thus to force it to refresh
itself. But I have no idea where to look for them.
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