Shutdown pauses when others are connected
Clay Weber
claydoh at
Mon Feb 28 12:39:07 UTC 2011
On Monday, February 28, 2011 12:40:13 AM Michael Hirsch wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 12:20 PM, Bruce Marshall <bmarsh at>
> > On Friday, February 25, 2011, Homer wrote:
> >> I'm the only user that will ever be on these machines. Unless I'm no
> >> longer employed here, then the next person will be the only user. Do
> >> you know how to disable this feature?
> >
> > Fine, then tell the developers that you need your own version of a
> > single-user linux. I think you are picking at nits.
> No, he's not. When a user has a desired behavior to tell that that
> they are wrong is counterproductive. Just because Linux may be
> potentially multiuser, doesn't mean it is for everyone. My wife's
> computer is single user, my kids computers are single user. Even my
> computer is single user, most of the time.
> When I tell my computer to shutdown (usually by hitting CTRL-ATL-DEL
> in KDE then hitting return, that is what I expect it to do. I don't
> like coming back to it the next evening and discovering that it didn't
> shut down because a) I had lagged in remotely from work, or b) I
> logged in on a VC.
> Apparently some people would like the computer to stay on forever in
> that circumstance. That is fine with me. But I know a fairly large
> number of people who would like to set an option to have the machine
> shut down when it is told to.
> This is a pretty common complaint, and I have yet to see an answer to it.
> Michael
Haven't followed this one all the way, but has anyone looked at the options in
/etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc? There are a *lot* of well-commented options in
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