The dreaded nvidia drivers for late model cards
gene heskett
gheskett at
Fri Oct 22 01:12:03 UTC 2010
Howdy all;
dkms fell over for me once I had gone beyond the kernel, so I
was stuck with the vesa driver & while it was stable, the eye candy doodads
were on strike.
Earlier today I had rebuilt a 2.6.36 kernel 4 or 5 times,
basically fixing up all the damages that moving my .config and .config.old in
from and doing a make oldconfig did. It switched my emu10k1 audio
out for a non-existent intel-hd device, and switched my sata_nv out for a
crapload of intel drivers that have never been in the same room with this
ASUS M2N-SLI Deluxe motherboard. Busted, and if I knew who was the
maintainer, I'd beat him/her with a long wet noodle.
I had DL'd the newest 3 or 4 days ago to see if I could
cheat on dkms. Low, and behold even, their .run file is actually getting
schmardter! It has grown an "--add-this-kernel" option, which causes it to
rebuild the .run package as a that I was able to install, so now
I have all those eye candy doodads back, and a lot less cpu load but I see
I have to do one more rebuild, it apparently left out the atk-0110 sensor
module too.
I can hear someone hollering whoopee-ding. BFD. But it seems to work as
advertised. NVIDIA is a bit less of a 4 letter word to me tonight. ;-)
Cheers, Gene
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