fingerprint reader

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at
Wed Oct 6 08:16:09 UTC 2010

On 06/10/2010 09:50, Nils Kassube wrote:
> O. Sinclair wrote:
>> Is there someone with experience of getting a fingerprint-reader on a
>> laptop working for identification/password purposes?
> I'd rather ask why anybody wants to do it and if it is useful to use
> such a thing for identification pruposes at all. When I had a broken arm
> last year I couldn't use my right hand. I could easily type my password
> with the left hand though. Now imagine I had locked my machine to a
> finger of my right hand …
> OTOH, of course your question is valid because some laptops have a
> fingerprint reader built-in and the hardware should work even if it is
> not useful. Do you want to make an existing thing work? Then please
> provide some more details of the laptop in question.
As I understand it does not rely on fingerprint only but if that fails a 
number of times it falls back to password.

And yes, I have a Dell Vostro 3300 with reader built-in and am curious 
as to see if it works and if so, how well or not-so-good


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