The Samba issue

Tom H tomh0665 at
Wed Nov 24 02:35:41 UTC 2010

On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 8:18 PM, Helder Terra < at> wrote:
>  Ever since Lucid version (and now Maverick) I simply cannot run samba
> properly. I've installed Samba, Samba4, smbclient, everything's Ok,
> except that I can't get Samba to work. It doesn't recognize other
> machines (Linux and Windows) on the same network and shows no computers
> on the workgroup.
> It won't open the system menu samba icon (it bounces for a while, then
> nothing) and won't start in the terminal neither.

1. You really don't need samba4. It's an experimental package so
unless you intend to install it on a non-production box, to test it,
and to file bugs.

2. Your box seems to be a samba client and not a samba server. You
therefore don't need to install samba.

3. You may or may not need smbclient (it provides command-line samba
client executables that I find useful for troubleshooting).

4. Do you have samba-common and samba-common-bin installed?

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