Upgrade to 10.04 broke wireless.

Jonas Norlander jonorland at gmail.com
Sun May 9 06:28:43 UTC 2010

2010/5/8 Jonas Norlander <jonorland at gmail.com>:
> 2010/5/8 Bruce Marshall <bmarsh at bmarsh.com>:
>> On Saturday, May 08, 2010, Jonas Norlander wrote:
>>>  Either nothing happens or I repeatedly got
>>> bad password/key. I have a WPA2-PSK network. As far as I understand
>>> its the WPA2 that has been the problem before and it looks like its
>>> back again.
>> It is not a problem with WPA other than having two copies of wpa-supplcant
>> running at the same time.
> Why would it start two? I haven't installed or used Wicd and I only
> have one wireless network card.
> Anyhow started to fiddling some more with it. Ended up removing
> network-manager-kde and installed plasma-widget-networkmanagement and
> manage to get it to work. I had to manually add my wireless network in
> "Manage connections" for it to work. I'm not sure why I'm just happy
> it works again.
> / Jonas

Guess I spoke to soon. Booting this morning and it refuses to connect
to my WPA2-PSK network.

/ Jonas

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