"Grub loading ...Error 18" - HD's not accessible any more. (Kubuntu Karmic/ WinXP)

Goh Lip g.lip at gmx.com
Tue Mar 30 14:17:11 UTC 2010

On 03/30/2010 09:55 PM, Bas Roufs wrote:
> Hello Goh Lip
>> I send to you direct an iso file, named grubstand.iso. Burn iso image on
>> cd
> In the mean time, your iso file did arrive, thanks! Also a few other
> mails with useful instructions from your side came in.
> However, my CD/DVD drive does not work quite well. That's why, I tried
> to use the application 'USB Startup Disk Creator' to put your iso file
> at a USB stick with a view to booting from it at the PC with the
> inaccessible disks. Do you know any other way enabling me to use the
> USB stick for booting the PC with your iso file?
> Thx, respectfully yours,
> Bas.

Regretfully, I've found it difficult to get kubuntu's usb disk creator 
to work well, (other than getting kubuntu' install cd on it, it does not 
do well on other programs/OS/apps)  If others here can help Bas, please 
do so.

I've created grub rescue on usb, but I did it using "grub-install 
--root-directory /dev/'usbstick', if you do not have grub2 installed, it 
is possible to do using livecd. Please follow this link.


I note he has added a lot more to his site, (more reading for me.)

Also, please note 2 things when using grub boot-up on usb. One, need to 
modify grub.cfg the /dev/sdax and UUID to that of usb stick. Two, and 
that's the main problem, when moved to other computers or when adding 
new usb devices, these may also change. Found it best just to use cdrom.

Good luck again, Bas.

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