"Grub loading ...Error 18" - HD's not accessible any more. (Kubuntu Karmic/ WinXP)

Clay Weber claydoh at midmaine.com
Tue Mar 30 15:02:29 UTC 2010

On Tuesday 30 March 2010 10:17:11 am Goh Lip wrote:
> On 03/30/2010 09:55 PM, Bas Roufs wrote:
> > Hello Goh Lip
> > 
> >> I send to you direct an iso file, named grubstand.iso. Burn iso image on
> >> cd
> > 
> > In the mean time, your iso file did arrive, thanks! Also a few other
> > mails with useful instructions from your side came in.
> > However, my CD/DVD drive does not work quite well. That's why, I tried
> > to use the application 'USB Startup Disk Creator' to put your iso file
> > at a USB stick with a view to booting from it at the PC with the
> > inaccessible disks. Do you know any other way enabling me to use the
> > USB stick for booting the PC with your iso file?
> > 
> > Thx, respectfully yours,
> > 
> > Bas.
> Regretfully, I've found it difficult to get kubuntu's usb disk creator
> to work well, (other than getting kubuntu' install cd on it, it does not
> do well on other programs/OS/apps)  If others here can help Bas, please
> do so.
> I've created grub rescue on usb, but I did it using "grub-install
> --root-directory /dev/'usbstick', if you do not have grub2 installed, it
> is possible to do using livecd. Please follow this link.
> http://members.iinet.net/~herman546/p20/GRUB2%20Bash%20Commands.html#GRUB_U
> SB
> I note he has added a lot more to his site, (more reading for me.)
> Also, please note 2 things when using grub boot-up on usb. One, need to
> modify grub.cfg the /dev/sdax and UUID to that of usb stick. Two, and
> that's the main problem, when moved to other computers or when adding
> new usb devices, these may also change. Found it best just to use cdrom.
> Good luck again, Bas.

the Ubuntu usb-creator is only good for *Ubuntu isos. unetbootin is a 
universal tool for any distro, I suggest trying that instead.

Clay Weber

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