Kubuntu/Ubuntu does not remove everything from memory at shutdown

Reinhold Rumberger rrumberger at web.de
Fri Mar 12 18:36:37 UTC 2010

On Friday 12 March 2010, John DeCarlo wrote:
<snipping great job of summarising the discussion to this point>

>     - When I do an "OS restart"

Logging off and on should suffice to produce this problem.

> (doesn't' matter whether cold
> boot or warm boot), I always get an error that "kdesu has no
> arguments" (or something close).  I had shut down kppp, but KDE
> remembers the kdesu part.

Slightly OT, but in the session management module in systemsettings, 
there is an option to exclude specific programs from being started 
automatically. You might want to add kdesu. I also put acroread 
As a workaround, you can autostart "kdesu kppp".

I agree that his field should be pre-filled with some programs KDE 
session management can't handle.


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