Kubuntu/Ubuntu does not remove everything from memory at shutdown

Reinhold Rumberger rrumberger at web.de
Fri Mar 12 01:31:03 UTC 2010

On Friday 12 March 2010, Steve Morris wrote:
> On 11/03/10 15:53, Howard Coles Jr. wrote:
> > On Wednesday 10 March 2010 03:48:35 pm Mark Greenwood wrote:
> >> Yes that's exactly what I'm suggesting. Those suggesting this
> >> is a Windows problem have missed the point and failed to
> >> understand the problem. The problem is that Kubuntu does not
> >> correctly shut down and clear memory/microcode/ACPI on a warm
> >> reboot. If the system has not been properly shut down then it
> >> is not the next OS's problem if hardware does not initialise
> >> correctly.
> >> 
> >> Mark
> > 
> > Here's the deal.  The BIOS clears and initializes the hardware
> > to a certain point upon boot up, and when the control is handed
> > over to the OS after the bootstrap is loaded, it's up to the
> > starting OS to initialize, and load the drivers for all
> > detected devices.  Blaming Kubuntu because Windoze doesn't load
> > right has got to be the craziest thing I've heard around here
> > in a LONG time.
> > 
> > Here's a point you don't get as well:  If you're "warm booting",
> > you're by nature NOT clearing all the code in all the adapters
> > at the OS level, you're just clearing and writing out the Hard
> > Drive cache, killing all the apps running, and kicking off a
> > quick reboot via ACPI.  It's up to the BIOS of the box, or the
> > next OS startup at that point to reset all cards and memory. 
> > That kind of completely empty RAM and all other add-on cards
> > would be a complete cold boot, right?  Warm booting means I
> > don't take the time to completely clear and shut down the
> > hardware, I just do a "refresh" boot, hence the name "warm".
> > 
> > I've been using Kubuntu for years now, and there have been times
> > when I've had to do a cold boot because drivers didn't load
> > successfully, but I've never (on many machines) heard of
> > blaming OS3 because OS2 and/or OS1 didn't do their shut down
> > right.  I've always blamed the OS that was booting up for not
> > loading drivers or initializing cards.  I've also had to do
> > full power off reboots because warm boots don't completely
> > empty RAM/microcode, etc on different OSes (Linux, NetWare,
> > OS/2, and Windows) so this is nothing new. Sometimes to get new
> > microcode/updates to load, or fully update drivers, you had to
> > do a full cold power off reboot, I just haven't run into that
> > in a long while.
> This is definitely not a windows issue, it is an issue of Kubuntu
> not shutting down properly like other operating systems do. I am
> in the situation of having to boot into Mandriva and warm booting
> from there to cater for Kubuntus inadequacies.

You do know that Kubuntu and Mandriva are essentially the same 
operating system (i.e. GNU/Linux)?

Also, please try to understand what is going on before wildly 
throwing around accusations! Howard Coles did a nice job of 
explaining what happens and why it happens - if you understood what 
he said, I'd like to see your argument why he is wrong.
To roughly summarise his post: not cleaning and resetting every 
device state is common practice both in the MS and the Linux world 
and it's the OS' job to properly initialise the hardware during the 
booting process.


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