root partition growing *solved*

Perry pwhite at
Fri Mar 5 18:08:46 UTC 2010

Le Friday 05 March 2010 15.47:08 Max Freitag, vous avez écrit (you wrote) :
> I use a partition for backup and this partition is mounted at /mnt/backup. 
> Once upon a time the backup run before the partition was mounted and the
>  data  were in the root written. 
*Very clever to have found this*, and this "once upon a time" could explain 
some other strange bugs.
>  When i looked were my space on root was
>  gone, the folder /mnt/backup was invisibel because of the mounted
>  backup-partition.
When a drive or folder is mounted it replaces and hides what was there before. 
You can find it again by unmounting or better by examining from outside using a 
live CD, thus bypassing the mounting and avoiding for example writing in the 
previously empty /home folder if you had a home partition.
> Is there a tool to find these invisible folders ore these lost space?
I am curious to know.
You could at least look under all the partitions that get mounted.
As for you backup, in order to prevent further occurrences of this mishap, I 
would suggest you launch it through a script that would first check that you 
partition got mounted (it might use the output of remount or check the 
existence or absence of a file). Don't ask me for more details, I'm no expert 
on writing scripts.

Cheers		Perry

BOFH excuse #196: Me no internet, only janitor, me just wax floors

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