Games, Drivers & all

Goh Lip g.lip at
Wed Mar 3 07:49:22 UTC 2010

On 03/03/2010 11:56 AM, Varun Jindal wrote:
> I love you Mr. Dacey. Okay, all of you have helped me to a great effect.

We all here love Mr Dacey, so get a number and stand in line.  :)

We all come from different cultures, but there is no need to call each 
other Mr; Alan or Varun will be fine, even if you were the governor of 
Louisiana. Oh, you may not know it but writing in BLOCKS (caps) appears 
like shouting. Others here may not know you were NOT SHOUTING, but 
that's how it appears to most of us.

And please do not write in html, plain text is mandatory.
Always bottom post (which you're doing).

Welcome aboard.  ( vanagam )

Regards - Goh Lip

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