pptp. problem accessing files from remote windows server

Nigel Henry cave.dnb2m97pp at aliceadsl.fr
Mon Mar 1 15:52:16 UTC 2010

After a problem with a backslash in the username I was given, I now have been 
able to create a tunnel using pptp on Kubuntu Intrepid. The question is, what 
do I use to access the files on this remote windows server I'm connected to.

I fired up XP to see how pptp worked, and there, all I have to do to access 
the files is enter  \\xxxx-xx\ftp_folder  (x's replace name) into the run 
command, and the files are opened in windows explorer. It also works by 
entering the same as above in Opera on XP.

Opera doesn't want to know on Intrepid, and says the file is unavailable. 
Konqueror says there was a timeout error saying "although contact was made 
with the server, a response was not received within the amount of time 
allocated" (I did increase the timeouts, but no change). It says the protocol 
is smb.

Before I get too involved with samba, could someone help with what I need to 
use on Intrepid to access the files on the remote windows server.



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