Games, Drivers & all

Varun Jindal seeu.varun at
Tue Mar 2 03:24:49 UTC 2010

Hello Mr. Alan, Ms. Lindsay & everyone,**

* *

I was looking forward to receive your emails. Thank you for your guidance
:)). Today, I am going to ask you some more questions...I hope I will get
their answers.. (I'll also search for them on Internet).**

* *

To start with, I uninstalled Kubuntu 'application' from Windows and
installed it as an OS (side by side Windows). Here are some of my questions:

* *

*1.    *Kubuntu has no game. So, I downloaded the *package*: kdegames 3.5.10
from & saved it in Windows . Then, opened KPackageKit >
Software Management. In search field, I typed: /media/disk/kdegames-3.5.10 .
KPackageKit didn't install anything but displayed “Waiting for service to
start” (at the bottom) even after 10 minutes.**

     I even tried /media/disk/kdegames-3.5.10/kbounce for no luck! [kbounce
is a game inside kdegames].

2.    How to hide files in Kubuntu as we do in Windows?

3.    Drives are temporarily mounted when I click on them in Dolphin. I have
to mount them again after rebooting or even after Hibernating! Isn't there
any permanent solution?

4.    How can I run C++ programs? Do I have to install any development
environment (like TC++ in Windows) or is it already installed? Or, type code
in Kate and run it from Terminal (Also, please tell me the commands for
compile & run).

5.    Finally, is there any JDK installed; If yes, then where is it located?
If not, how can I get & install Kubuntu compatible JDK?


I also want to report an awkward situation: system freeze. This has happened
twice while changing theme from Oxygen to Air and Air → Oxygen (@ this
point, freeze occurred). Both times, I had to press the reboot button
(located on Tower) so that shutdown/restart option comes & I select cancel
to break the freeze!! Even the Ctrl+Alt+Esc route doesn't work.

This time, I can work on the current document. However, everything on
desktop (Task bar, applets, etc.) freezes/disappears.  Alt+F2 won't work.

This is it for now. Thank you in advance for helping me.

Yours faithfully,

Varun Jindal.

                      bye @ varun

start buZzing.! add mE in your followers' lisT
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