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Lindsay Mathieson lindsay.mathieson at gmail.com
Sat Feb 27 06:46:20 UTC 2010

One thing at a time :)

On Sat, 27 Feb 2010 04:29:00 pm Varun Jindal wrote:
> 1. Yes, I installed Kubuntu as an app software (as was mentioned on CD
> label). However, i can only boot into either at startup. I know about
> Virtualization but don't want that.

That's the wubi installer, its  not really an app, just a convenient way to 
add a dual boot option for kubuntu to windows. As you have discovered you 
*can't* run it from windows, you have to choose Kubuntu or Windows at boot 
time. That's how its meant to work.

> 3. Mr. Alan rightly said that I may not have the drivers to play media
> files. Otherwise, why won't they play even when they are being shown!!

From a command line in Kubuntu (KMenu-Applications-System-Terminal) type the 
following and hit enter:
  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras

That should install most of the drivers you need.

> 4. Finally one more request: I read Adept should be used (for Kubuntu)
> instead of Synaptic.

They were mistaken, arguably synaptic is the best package manager to use, 
otherwise use kpackagekit, which is already pre-installed on your system.

Adept is obsolete now.

> I found somewhere link to download it. However, link
> opens to show some more files. But never downloads it. Please give me a
> direct link for downloading Adept. I have downloaded Kpackagekit though.

Generally there is no need to download anything, the package manager (Synaptic 
or KPackageKit) will do it for you. Or the command line (apt-get) as I showed 
you above.



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