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Varun Jindal
seeu.varun at gmail.com
Sat Feb 27 06:29:00 UTC 2010
this is a reply to Mr. Perry. (I will post another reply for Mr. Alan soon)
1. Yes, I installed Kubuntu as an app software (as was mentioned on CD
label). However, i can only boot into either at startup. I know about
Virtualization but don't want that.
2. Anyhow, Yes, I installed Kubuntu in F:\ (XP NTFS partition) from a live
CD mailed to me from shipit. I can open it within XP to see Kubuntu files
but MS doesn't recognize them.
3. Mr. Alan rightly said that I may not have the drivers to play media
files. Otherwise, why won't they play even when they are being shown!!
4. Finally one more request: I read Adept should be used (for Kubuntu)
instead of Synaptic. I found somewhere link to download it. However, link
opens to show some more files. But never downloads it. Please give me a
direct link for downloading Adept. I have downloaded Kpackagekit though.
And, show me the way how to install Kpackagekit on Kubuntu...should I just
copy - paste it into bin and launch?
5. Mr. Alan, Yes, I am ready to learn all those commands. :)) wil post you
the name of games package soon..
On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 10:34 PM, Perry <pwhite at bluewin.ch> wrote:
> Le Friday 26 February 2010 10.21:36 Varun Jindal, vous avez écrit (you
> wrote)
> :
> > Thank you for the reply, Mr. Alan. let me re-explain my issues:
> >
> > 1. I installed Kubuntu 9.10 (F:\) in Windows CP (C:\) as application.
> > However, I cannot launch Kubuntu from inside XP. I've to reboot PC & then
> > start Kubuntu. Please let me know how to launch Kubuntu from within
> Windows
> > XP.
> in your first mail you said you have "Kubuntu 9.10 installed as
> application (in F:\)"
> I have some doubts about this "as application". Can you really open F:\
> from
> within M$? Do you even see F:\ from M$?
> Or did you just install (from live or alternate DVD) a full fledge Kubuntu
> in
> what used to be F:\ ?
> I know you can *emulate* windows from within Kubuntu with "wine", not sure
> there is a program that does it the other way round or that can launch
> kubuntu
> from M$ without leaving M$ (i.e. rebooting).<
> I will follow this thread and perhaps learn something.
> >
> > 2. Playing Media files (mp3/mp4/vob), I could not play by opening Dolphin
> > and clicking on the picture of the disk. (Because picture of the disk
> > DOESN'T appear. Only names of the Windows Drives (D:\, F:\, etc.) appear.
> > Single clicking opens the drive).
> I assume you are trying to open Media files that are on a M$ partition.
> Name or picture behave the same, they are clickable, they open, you see the
> content (files or folders). The only problem is to find where your Media
> files
> are.
> > So, let me know the alternatives tp play
> > mp3, & how to mount a drive.
> If the drive opened (you can see part of its content), then it is mounted!
> (Dolphin did it)
> >
> > 3. I found out there are no games in Kubuntu.
> Type "game" in Synaptic or Kpackagekit and you will find many games (I
> didn't
> try them)
> > So, I downloaded some
> > packeage from Internet, unzipped it. There were so many games' folders.
> > Opened a folder only to find C++ files; I Got Confused!! So, Please let
> me
> > know how to install games from that folder..
> Usually those have a readme or install instruction file.
> Google is your friend, have a look at
> <http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/softinstall.html> for example.
> HTH Perry
> >
> > thank you once again for welcoming me to the world of joY, called
> Kubuntu.
> >
> > Varun
> >
> ***************************************************************************
> > ***************************************
> >
> > On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 10:27 AM, Alan Dacey Sr.
> <grokit at ajinfosearch.com>wrote:
> > > On Thursday 25 February 2010 11:21:45 pm Varun Jindal wrote:
> > > > thank you. I liked the open source OS. Its as brilliant as the
> Windows
> > > > 7/Vista. However, I have some difficulties with Kubuntu 9.10, as
> > > > follow:
> > > >
> > > > I have Windows XP as main OS (in C:\) & Kubuntu 9.10 installed as
> > > > application (in F:\). Now,
> > > >
> > > > 1. Amarok player won't LOAD media files (D:\) - either by drag and
> drop
> > >
> > > or
> > >
> > > > by giving the path.
> > > >
> > > > 2. I also do not know how to install GAMEs. I downloaded the required
> > > > package, unzipped to find some C++ header files. But don't know
> > > > further..
> >
> --
> BOFH excuse #379: We've picked COBOL as the language of choice
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bye @ varun
start buZzing.! add mE in your followers' lisT
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