(K)ubuntu @ Asus Eee PC 1001HA - request for advise.

Bas Roufs basroufs at gmail.com
Sat Feb 6 09:36:01 UTC 2010

>> > When doing so, Windows7 will announce a minimal size. So let
>> > it do its thing, then defragment the partition once again
>> You mean, it is better to shrink the Windows partition from within
>> Windows in the way you explain above?
> Exactly! - Do not attempt to let Linux do it.

One little questions remains: is 'defragment'  this typical Windows
hard disk maintenance software - as explained in e.g. Wikipedia?
For the rest, everything about this resizing issue is clear for me now.

>> >.... "unallocated partition".... Install whatever (K)ubuntu there.....
>> Will the (K)ubuntu installation program automatically discover that
>> partition after choosing the option to 'maintain' the already existing
>> OS?
> Yes. It will give you the option to install *buntu in the unallocated
> partition. You should choose "manual" in order to create a / partition,
> a swap partition and a /home partition - all of them inside the
> unallocated space.
This is clear!

> Do not touch the NTFS partition! -
Does the installation package graphically or otherwise make clear
where this untouchable :-) NTFS partition is?

> That way you can
> preserve your data and settings in /home when installing the next big
> thing, like 'ubuntu 10.4 - or whatever linux distro you like.

This sounds useful, taking into account my installation experience so far....

>> > Finally, why the "remix"? ....
>> As far as I understand, the "remix" contains the whole Ubuntu, but
>> with a few adaptations aimed at optimising the system for the small
>> screen of a netbook.
> That's the general idea, but with your specs (processor & RAM & graphics
> card) you can just as well run the real thing. Then you can have plenty
> of windows, apps and desktops at hand without closing one application
> down in order to run another. When I tried the Ubuntu Remix, windows
> could not resize, for example...

It is clear that "Ubuntu netbook remix" is not a good option in this
case. But what about the current version of  "Kubuntu netbook remix"?
Does it have the same problem? Does anyone have practical experience
with that distro?

Thanks, respectfully yours,

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