(K)ubuntu @ Asus Eee PC 1001HA - request for advise.

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Sun Feb 7 16:01:29 UTC 2010

On 7 February 2010 16:27, Kolia -- <thelwyn at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2010/2/7 Dotan Cohen <dotancohen at gmail.com>
>> Regarding power consumption and KDE4, from the opensuse forums:
>> http://forums.opensuse.org/general-chit-chat/405800-kde3-v-kde4-laptop-power-consumption-figures.html
> This thread is one year old. It would be interesting to compare now with a
> more recent version of KDE4.

Please do! If you compare it to KDE3 (see the Pearson Computing
project) on the same install I'd love to know what you find. Just make
sure that there are no Qt3 libraries loaded in KDE4, and no Qt4
libraries loaded in KDE3.

Dotan Cohen


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