Installing Hardy into a 'wasted' partition

john d. herron paradox.herron at
Thu Feb 4 15:31:40 UTC 2010

On 02/04/2010 09:34 AM, Amedee Van Gasse (ub) wrote:
> On Thu, February 4, 2010 07:48, john d. herron wrote:
> --snip--
>> 2. I'd like to have all of Hardy in this one partition, with swap in a
>> separate one.
>> The install CD offers a number of choices for mount points. What
>> would be the most reasonable or logical choice?
> / for your Hardy partition and swap for your swap, but I may have
> misunderstood your question.
>    This is where my confusion comes in.
>    The plan is to install Hardy into the existing sda7 (replacing the 'wasted' Dapper).
>    I have another distro (feisty) on sda3, which also mounts into /.
>    Wouldn't the two then conflict with one another, since they'd have the same mount point?
>    By the way: should I be off the web router when I do the install?  
>    Please forgive my ignorance...
> To Dotan Cohen:
> Thanks for your comments.
> In this forum a lot has been written about broken systems or other mishaps caused by
> the early KDE 4.x versions. 
> I'm very comfortable with KDE 3.5, with things like e.g. its Krusader file manager that
> I'd probably have to give up in KDE 4.x.
> Have no need nor desire (nor the RAM, truth be said) for all the memory-hungry 
> eye-candy stuff that KDE 4. promises.
> That's why I'd rather move to Hardy for the time being. 
-Thanks to you all.
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