Somebody SURE loves them some kblocks

Clay Weber claydoh at
Fri Oct 30 12:50:51 UTC 2009

On Friday 30 October 2009 12:57:42 am Ric Moore wrote:
> I tried to remove this little innocuous stinker of a game and it wants
> to remove KDE-FULL. Huh, just checked that package, before I hit the
> shiny red-button, and that seems to include my whole $%^& KDE desktop.
> Just wondered who has the brain today and if they would PLEASE pass it
> around?? Cannot someone make it a rule to NOT dEsTrOy the user's
> installation when removing a package??
> That would be very nice. Especially for a newb that spent a week
> dnloading kubuntu, via a tin can in a third world country, and then
> hoses the entire install removing "Hunt The Wumpus".
> Can we be mindful and "JUST SAY NO!" ?? We need a "No Delete Desktop"
> Czar (Dept of Homeland NDD) to oversee these things.  X{ Ric
kde-full? That package is a meta-package it is used simply to depend on 
other packages. it isn't usually installed, or necessary - it basically tells 
the package manager to install literally the entire set of KDE packages. I 
believe it is a 	Debian thing that gets carried over. 

Maybe run the the command line to remove the game and post the results 
so we can see exactly what is happening? When I try removing the game, it 
only wants to remove itself and the meta-package kdegames.


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