Flashing the bios

jerry jerryturba at sbcglobal.net
Fri Oct 9 18:10:53 UTC 2009

Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Friday 09 October 2009, Ric Moore wrote:
>> Does anyone have experience flashing their bios to upgrade it?? Is this
>> a dicey proposition using Linux? Inquiring minds want to know. :) Ric
Here is a link to some info about flashing your bios.

It is not something where there is no risk. A power outage at the wrong 
time can ruin your motherboard.
Common advice that I have heard is that you should only flash the bios 
if there is some update that you need, and not to do it routinely.
I would suggest that you go to the website of your motherboard maker and 
see what bios updates are available and if there is any new update that 
you need.
I have done it and if you follow the instructions precisely it is not 
hard. The danger is a mistake by the user or some unplanned power outage.
You may want to use some piece of s*** computer to try it for the 
practice if you have that available.

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