CRT monitors VS Laptop stuff

Mark Greenwood fatgerman at
Mon Oct 5 10:31:20 UTC 2009

On Monday 05 Oct 2009 02:03:23 tortise at wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Ric Moore" <wayward4now at>
> To: <kubuntu-users at>
> Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 1:07 PM
> Subject: CRT monitors VS Laptop stuff
> I notice my monitor kinda grey-ing out every so often. I'm hoping I
> don't have to replace this monster Dell and was wondering if some of the
> laptop stuff that seems to be loaded will try to dim the display for
> power saving measures. I am plugged into the wall for juice ...not a
> battery in sight.
> Whatever bad juju I had in my mouse seems to have climbed into my
> monitor. I can't find a chicken foot to wave at it, so I figured to
> ask. :) Ric
> ===================
> I'd try jiggling (try both ends - common problem) or replacing the cable between them as a start to see if its a cable issue. 
> Following that it is likely to be a monitor issue.   (Finally a notebook issue - seems the least likely explanation to me)  Do let 
> us know. 

If moving the mouse around brings it back to life then it might well be powersaving - in which case you can look in Power Management in the System Settings to find it. But I think it's unlikely. Definitely try jiggling or even replacing the cable, I've had a few go wrong with age. However the bad news is that 'greying out' is often the sign of a Trinitron that is about to lose the magic smoke that makes it work. The usual technical solution to this is to apply sharp percussive maintenance on the perimiter of the enclosure (i.e. give it a good hard slap on one side).... sometimes it works. Sometimes it makes bits fall off. But it's fun anyway :)


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