Homer fsunoles at
Tue Nov 17 18:30:37 UTC 2009

Fresh install of 9.10.  In the past when I have done fresh installs,
I've been able to copy over my kppprc file and everything picked up
where I left off.  This time I'm experiencing something different...

1.  When I start KPPP I have to enter my password.  How can I set it
up so it runs as a regular user?

2.  After a few moments I get the following nastygram "Error launching
/usr/share/applications/kde4/Kppp.desktop. Either KLauncher is not
running anymore, or it failed to start the application."  Clicking OK
seems to let me continue, but...

3.  When I then try and configure KPPP, the OK button stays grayed out
so I can't save anything.

4.  Copying over my old kppprc file doesn't seem to do anything.

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