KDE4.3 beta issues

Goh Lip g.lip at gmx.com
Thu May 28 18:17:33 UTC 2009

Willy K. Hamra wrote:
> Dotan Cohen wrote:
>>> So, if I want to go back to Jaunty Kde 4.2.3 from Jaunty Kde 4.3 beta,
>>> is there a simpler way than reinstalling Jaunty and reupgrading to Kde
>>> 4.2.3?
>> It's hard to say without trying first, but I would remove the 4.3 beta
>> repo, install the 4.2.3 repo, then run "sudo apt-get -f install kde".
>> But that is untested, so I promise nothing!
>> Note that you should _definitely_ rename ~/.kde when downgrading! Do
>> so before the downgrade, so that your settings remain intact, then
>> after the downgrade and the first time that you start KDE 4.2.3 remove
>> ~/.kde again.
> yeah! now what's up with that? why would an upgrade touch my home directory?
> upgrading to KDE 4.3 wiped my settings clear, this doesn't make sense,
> and the first time ever for a KDE update/upgrade to affect my settings.
> another issue, why is autologin disabled in KDE 4.3? the whole
> convenience page is grayed out. i had to manually edit /etc/kdmrc to
> enable my autologin again. which IS working, so not sure why they chose
> to disable it :S

Yes Willy, same here, that's what I mean when I say "have you got back 
your desktop?" But you put it so eloquently.

Goh Lip

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