New installation Jaunty constant permissions problems

Goh Lip g.lip at
Tue May 19 05:55:45 UTC 2009

steven vollom wrote:
> File:///home/steven/.kde/share/config/arkrc.  I open arkrc using sudo dolphin 
> and change the permissions so that I can use the program.  The permissions are 
> not greyed out, and I am able to change them to give me permission, but when I 
> click OK, no permissions are transferred to me.  I can't tell you how angry 
> this makes me.  If we are supporting freedom, why do the owners of their own 
> computers have to fight with programmers to get permission to use what is their 
> own.  Every time I turn around I am stopped from doing something I need to do 
> by my own computer.  I love Kubuntu, but I will trash my computer before I 
> give over my freedom.
> To the people who make these decisions for me.  I hate it.  I just don't 
> dislike it, I hate it.  As much as I have loved the Kubuntu experience, I hate 
> the prison you are trying to put me in.  I will quit Kubuntu before I give in.  
> I am one of your staunchest supporters, yet I am growing to HATE you for this 
> robbery of my freedom.  You have never been there to help me when I needed 
> you, when the burglar with a gun is trying to rob me.  Stay the hell out of my 
> computer's freedom.  I had a mother and father, I don't want a replacement.  I 
> have never worked for someone else, and I don't want a boss.  I have defended 
> myself from all attackers for my entire life.  It is always some gutless guy 
> in the background who tries to take power over you, someond who would cut and 
> run if any real danger came his way.  The best creation you have made to date 
> is a pile of crap, if I have to use it the way you want me to use it.
> Create a code that when entered takes your ability to control, guide, inhibit 
> the use of my computer and you will keep me.  As good a salesman as I can be 
> for you, I will passionately be against you, if you don't stop this nonsence.  
> I thought Linux people loved freedom.  What a line of  You are just 
> Nazis in sheep clothing when you steal the freedom of the people who support 
> you.  What does a person have to do to get away from the tyrants of this 
> world.
> If someone who knows the way around this tyranny can explain how I get around 
> the prison they want me in, please help me.  There must be someone out there 
> with the knowledge to help that hates this intrusion on their own freedom.  It 
> takes a lot to make me angry, but I am willing to die for my freedom.  That is 
> how serious I am about this crap.  I am sorry but no other word that I will 
> use fits.
> Steven


First, chill, cool down, relax. (If still angry, walk away, take a
break, have a Kit Kat)



One, for an old guy,(by my standard anyway, and I am not young), you are
a hot tempered, irrational, paranoid, ungrateful, stupid and screwed-up.
You are acting like some puerile, infantile kid who can't have his
desserts. Start acting your age. Your age does not give you a licence to
rant, shout and trash about. In fact, you should be more mellow,
considered and sharper, except with bad memory. Behavior like this
should not be allowed after the age of 14 years.

Two, all of us here are trying very hard to help you. You had asked some
things to do and we tell you. You are obviously not up to where they are
in their proficiencies, (and of course, many of us feel that way when
others are talking about things we know little about, each of us have
some things others know little about too, that's the whole point of this
list). You are no lesser and no greater.

Three, if you think you cannot handle what these guys are telling you,
don't. Simple as that. We are trying to help you and you should
appreciate that, whether or not you can. Even if we give you bad advice,
are we giving them with bad intentions?

Four, I am writing to you this way because I respect you and everyone. I
certainly do not want myself to be treated condescendingly just because
I am old. I hope you do not think yourself senile.

Five, as to your permissions problem, I would not want to advise you now
as I am not sure how you got yourself into this mess. I have said many
times that it is easier for you to follow the standard way to install first.

Six, you owe all of us an apology, even those of us who gave you bad
instructions, or none, because they dare not or could not.

No regards,
Goh Lip

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