
Derek Broughton derek at
Thu May 14 13:44:50 UTC 2009

Goh Lip wrote:

> Steven, I am not clear about suspend to disk requirements, I had always
> thought it uses the RAM memory rather than the hard disk. 

That is "suspend to RAM", not "suspend to disk".

> Also when
> RAM's  are 4 GB or more, the accepted opinion is that 2GB of swap memory
> may not even be necessary. But they are not talking about suspend to
> disk. If I were you, (and I am not you), having lots of RAM and hard
> disks, I would allocate 12 GB to swap.

You _must_ have a swap partition large enough to contain all the in-use 
memory pages.  Since it compresses and discards pages that don't need to be 
stored in the swap space, it may not need to be _quite_ as large as main 
memory, but the only way to guarantee that it's never too small is to have a 
dedicated partition just for the hibernate image which is the size of total 
virtual memory.

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