kwallet and wireless internet access

Pastor JW pastor_jw at
Mon Jun 1 21:24:04 UTC 2009

On Monday 01 June 2009 12:58:10 pm Mario Andes wrote:
> Hi,
> after upgrading to 9.04 everytime I start the system and the
> networkmanager always I am asked for a password by kwallet!
> That's annoying. For what does it serve???
> Starting Kubuntu I give a password, afterwords I give apassword
> for the access point and if I want to do anything on a web site
> I have to give another password!
> Why does kwallet asks for a password? How can I stop it?
> It's ridiculous because using an ethernet connection kwallet is
> calm and doesn't appear.
> Unfortunately the network manager is dependent of kwallet.
> I tried to uninstall kwallet but then I will not be connected to
> the access point.
> There is no reason why the connection to my access point needs two
> passwords.
> Does anybody know how I can get rid of kwallet?
> I don't need it for anything!

Yes, it is a terribly annoying and time wasting program responsible for many 
bad words being uttered.  I nearly dumped KDE completely over it.  AND to be 
even more annoying, the developers of this program keep hiding the controls 
of the program in different places every new version upgrade.  Once you 
disable it (in 8.04 I had to type "kcontrol" into the "Run Command" in order 
to get a tool to shut it off, but they may have hid it again just to INSIST 
you jump through worthless hoops in order to use KDE on you own machine) you 
can THEN remove it from your machine using Synaptic.  Making Linux utility 
programs depend on this program is even more annoying that kwallet itself. I  
think it promoted by people who don't actually have to USE their computers 
but want to "impress" people by always doing something on their keyboard 
rather than actually doing anything productive.  

73 de N7PSV aka Pastor JW <n><   PDGA# 35276  _Registered Kubuntu User: #27403
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