A KDE equivalent to gnome-open

Derek Broughton derek at pointerstop.ca
Wed Jan 28 17:30:10 UTC 2009

Karl Klinger wrote:

> Michael wrote:
>> "If you want to open up a file or folder using the default application
>> from your terminal in ubuntu
>> (or any linux distrib using gnome), just use gnome-open. Like this:
>> |gnome-open ~/docs/something.pdf|
>> Gnome will use it?s file association tables to open it in the correct
>> application, and you won?t have
>> to worry about remembering what your pdf viewer is called."
>> (Taken from
>> http://www.davidbdean.com/2007/07/06/open-file-with-default-application-
>> Does KDE have anything similar to this?

> xdg-open seems to do what you want.

Cool - that works on a Gnome system, too (and many others) and uses the 
appropriate tool to do the job (it uses "kfmclient exec" in KDE).

You can also use "kfmclient openUrl ..." which opens the file in Konqueror, 
if konqueror is set to open that type of file "embedded".  I presume, but 
haven't checked, that it would open it standalone if the mime-type isn't set 
to be embedded. 

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