A KDE equivalent to gnome-open

Karl Klinger karlok at fastmail.fm
Wed Jan 28 06:02:00 UTC 2009

Michael wrote:
> "If you want to open up a file or folder using the default application
> from your terminal in ubuntu
> (or any linux distrib using gnome), just use gnome-open. Like this:
> |gnome-open ~/docs/something.pdf|
> Gnome will use it’s file association tables to open it in the correct
> application, and you won’t have
> to worry about remembering what your pdf viewer is called."
> (Taken from
> http://www.davidbdean.com/2007/07/06/open-file-with-default-application-from-terminal-ubuntugnome/)
> Does KDE have anything similar to this?
> Mike

xdg-open seems to do what you want.


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