How do I get an 8 sided cube using Compiz.

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Mon Feb 16 20:30:34 UTC 2009

> The question of dimensions was an algebra joke. The body known as a
> cube usually has either 2, 4, 6, 18, 36, or 72 sides depending on how
> many dimensions that it exists in. As we live in a three dimentional
> world, we usually think of the 6-sided cube. Note that there are no
> 8-sided cubes in algebra, though there are other shapes with 8 sides.

You have me laughing, friend.  Actually, I thought a cube was a four sided 
structure.  Anyway the site is down, right now.  I will go there again later.

When I had Compiz working before, it was kind of a memory abuser.  So I 
removed it.  In any event, my new computer should be finished in a week, if I 
can believe the motherboard manufacturer.  I just thought I would take this 
time to learn Intrepid and Compiz.  Wouldn't you know it, I couldn't remember 
how I got the octacube.  What do you think of my word invention.  It is good 
to hear your voice again.  I have been away for a bit.  By the way, I really 
like Intrepid, but there are some things I have to work through.


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