How do I get an 8 sided cube using Compiz.

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Mon Feb 16 20:15:05 UTC 2009

> Five more than the three it now has.  Dotan, believe me, It had 8 sides
> before.  When I set it up for 8 desktops, it set up as an octacube??  I tell
> you the truth.  Go figure.  Anyway if you expect accuracy from me, that is a
> little much to ask.  Thanks!

I believe you! I googled the subject and I see that there exists the
idea of an 8-sided cube in Compiz. I even provided a link that
explains how to get it.

The question of dimensions was an algebra joke. The body known as a
cube usually has either 2, 4, 6, 18, 36, or 72 sides depending on how
many dimensions that it exists in. As we live in a three dimentional
world, we usually think of the 6-sided cube. Note that there are no
8-sided cubes in algebra, though there are other shapes with 8 sides.

Dotan Cohen


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