Flash and RTL languages

Nigel Ridley nigel at prayingforisrael.net
Tue Feb 3 18:51:32 UTC 2009

My two boys have taken a liking to playing a Flash based game on the website: Ekoloko
The problem is that although the first page shows the Hebrew correctly, once they login and start 
to play the game the Hebrew is backwards - that is that the letters are going from left to right 
instead of from right to left. They say that it's rather annoying and that on that other 
operating system the problem doesn't arise.
This is also true for other Flash sites that contain Hebrew in the Flash content.

Why is it only on Linux that this happens?
BTW this is on 8.04, Flash 9 (flashplugin-nonfree).

On another box running 8.10 and Flash 10 (adobe-flashplugin) the game itself won't load. This is 
also true for quite a few Flash game sites (they have a Linux Live DVD with Flash 9 that they use!).

Any ideas why Hebrew (and most probably Arabic) displays backwards?



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