My Take on KDE 4.2 PPA

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Sun Feb 1 14:26:41 UTC 2009

On 01/29/2009 David McGlone wrote:
> I downloaded it this morning and have been using it all day. I like it. It 
> does seem stable, and the only problem I've seen after I've put it though 
> vigorous training  ;-)  is that the To: field is tucked about a little half way 
> under the identity drop down when opening a new compose window in kontact, but 
> once you select an address or enter one in, it goes back to normal size. Thats 
> it, I can't find a single thing wrong with it.
> I give the KDE team props, and I'd now recommend it to anyone.

You are indeed lucky.  KDE 4.2/PPA is really KDE 4.1.96 and kmail is 
known to crash constanly with this.  I can't even use it.  This is an 
upstream problem, affecting other distros that have implemented 4.1.96. 
  Apparently, the kmail instability is fixed in the real 4.2 according 
to Mandravia and Fedora users on the kdepim list.

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