E: Malformed line 62 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (URI parse) E: The list of sources could not be read.

Donn donn.ingle at gmail.com
Wed Aug 12 20:49:27 UTC 2009

Okay, I'll bite...This is like Groundhog Day-

> steven at Yeshua:~$ less sources.list
> sources.list: No such file or directory
That's because you are in the wrong directory. The wrong place. You are 
standing in Texas and looking for London.

How to find the right place? Use your eyes:
> E: Malformed line 62 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (URI parse)
Bingo! /etc/apt/ is the place. Easy no?
So, go there:
steven at Yeshua:~$ cd /etc/apt
Then use less:
steven at Yeshua:~$ less sources.list

I'm done.

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