USB Memory Stick not Automounting (or manually mounting)

Rick Knight rick_knight at
Thu Apr 30 20:17:30 UTC 2009

Alan Dacey wrote:
> Rick Knight wrote:
>> Rick Knight wrote:
>>> Due to a hard drive crash, I've had to re-install Kubuntu 8.04 to a bare 
>>> drive. Everything is working so far except that I cannot get my USB 
>>> Memory Sticks to automount, nor am I able to mount them manually. I've 
>>> installed autofs but that didn't help. I've run "sudo tail -f 
>>> /var/log/messages" and watched the output while inserting the Memory 
>>> Stick, but there is no response. This has always just worked in the past 
>>> so I'm not sure what to do to fix the problem. Anyone able to offer any 
>>> help?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Rick
>> Can someone please help me with this? I am unable to access anything on 
>> USB memory sticks.
>> Thanks,
>> Rick
> Is libusb installed?  Do your CD's auto-mount?
> Do you have any other partitions that are not mounted in /etc/fstab?  If so, can 
> you see them in the system area in Dolph3n?

Alan, thank you for the reply.

Yes, I do have libusb installed. The only drives or partitons listed in 
fstab that are not mounted are my 2 CD/DVD drives and my floppy drive. I 
believe CDs and DVDs are automounting, but I'll have to check tonight to 
be certain. I'll post again later.

Thanks again

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