Quick Access Menu plasmoid

John L Vifian jongleur at liripipe.com
Thu Apr 30 17:37:13 UTC 2009

On Wednesday 29 April 2009 11:07:07 pm Steven Vollom wrote:
> (Trim)
> > Ok, I think you can skip the lock and unlock stages, At least this
> > process works on my computer with them locked. So when your quick access
> > comes up blank what is in the space that you end up typing
> > "/media/disk-2/steven".
> I don't know why, but it shows, (if I remember correctly, it is hard for me
> to remember something that didn't seem relevant to memory at the time),
> /media/steven which is a location on the boot partition.  My boot partition
> is only 20gb in size, and what I want in the widget contains more that
> 200gb of data.  When I lose the contents, I lose whatever is in the widget.
>  When I restore the widget, it always puts me back in a root folder with
> the small partition.

So when you mean restore the widget does this mean you are adding the widget 
itself back to the panel, or just resetting the path back to 
"/media/disk-2/steven"?  FWIW , you are not putting anything into the widget 
except the path to the directory you want it to start up with.

> > is it also blank?  I'm also presuming that after you put the right
> > address in that Quick Access works for the rest of the session??
> It works for several sessions until another crash. 

Steven, it is to be expected that after a crash that some things will not work 
right or the same.  Many programs save their settings or data when exiting and 
a crash doesn't allow them to do this.  Solving your crash problems should 
solve the problems with this widget.

> I don't know why I am
> having so many system crashed anymore, but it started when I fresh
> installed the jaunty Rc.  

I would suggest that you got something wrong when installing.  My solution 
would be to try re-installing again, and note all of the decisions you make in 
the process.  If it doesn't work  try posting your notes to the list and see 
if anybody sees anything wrong, and then try again possibly a few more times. 

I would also consider copying your /home dir to /media/disk-2/steven 
(presuming there is space) and installing with a freshly formatted /home, 
although this is a bit radical as you will have to re- configure things like 
kmail etc.

> I wish I was a little more versed in this system.  I don't know why having
> a storage partition named /media creates a problem.  The storage is for
> media projects mostly.  But I have had lots of questions thrown at me about
> using /media for a mount.  Because I don't know why it is a problem, I
> don't know why it should be changed.  And, I wouldn't know what to change
> it too to reduce the problem it seems to cause.  Actually, I have never
> thought naming it media had anything to do with why problems happen.  I
> suspect the same problems would happen if I called it /artwork or /movies
> or /greatstuff or /whatever.  I thought it was only an identifier, a name.

Steven, I don't think that using /media as a mount point should cause 
problems.  It used to be the default for various things.  Currently USB 
devices seem to use/media but not my audio CD (which is currently playing --  
but doesn't show up via mount either).  My thoughts were that maybe the widget 
expected to start in your home dir and perhaps starting elsewhere was 
confusing it, but it seems most likely that your problem is being caused by 
the crashes, and is not directly a widget problem.

Good Luck,

John Vifian
It's all right letting yourself go, as long as you can get yourself back.
Mick Jagger

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