Do I need both ~/.kde/ and ~/.kde4/

Clay Weber claydoh at
Wed Apr 29 11:46:16 UTC 2009

On Wednesday 29 April 2009 7:31:26 am Kevin Cole wrote:
> I tried KDE4 while still under Hardy, and now that I'm in Intrepid, I
> wonder if there's a recommended way to merge ~/.kde/ and ~/.kde4/
Intrepid uses ~/.kde, so it doesn't even 'see' ~/.kde4. You can definitely get 
rid of it. If you have any particular data in there, you can either just copy 
it over manually or just rename it to .kde (and loose your current settings). 
But there is no real way to merge them. If there is particular data in ~/kde4 
that you need, you can just copy over the relevant things over to ~/.kde
Clay Weber

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