Flash and Linux

alan c aeclist at candt.waitrose.com
Tue Apr 28 07:45:21 UTC 2009

Nigel Ridley wrote:
> There seems to be a general problem with Flash and Linux. There are some websites that have an 
> abundance of Flash content and Linux can't seem to handle it well. I mean that when viewing these 
> websites suddenly the processor[s] jump to around 99%, the temp. rise dramatically, the fans 
> works overtime and the website slows to a crawl. This is compounded when more than one tab is 
> opened from the same website. As an example here is a example website (it is a fishing tackle 
> online shop):
> http://www.lakerda.co.il/
> The only way that I was able to navigate said website was to open it in Opera and 'Disable Plug-ins'.

I am using firefox 3 and I have the noscript add on installed and
enabled. I get only a very low cpu activity.
alan cocks
Ubuntu user #10391
Linux user #360648

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