(k)ubuntu 9.04 i386 install on netbooks

chuck adams chuck.adams.k7qo at gmail.com
Tue Apr 28 04:53:31 UTC 2009

I first installed both ubuntu and kubuntu 9.04 on a
lenova ideapad S10 netbook

hardware:  intel Atom (0.045) 1.6GHz processor
                 2GB of ram
                 160GB disc drive

o  ubuntu 9.04 i386  on a bootable USB toshiba 4GB thumb drive
    .  installation time    8min 45 sec
    .  boot time              28 sec
    .  login time              23 sec
       no wifi detected

       plugged into USB an Air Link 101 USB model AWLL3026/NA
         wifi device

       now system shows two wireless interfaces
         .  Wireless Network (ZyDAS WLA-54L WiFi)   (the Air Link)
         .  Wireless Network (Broadcom BCM4312 802.11b/g) (built-in)

       can connect to local wireless through the Air Link USB device

    .  shutdown time         14 sec

o  kubuntu  9.04 i386 on a bootable USB toshiba 4GB thumb drive
    .  installation time      9 min 22 sec
    .  boot time                30 sec
    .  login time               1 min 14sec
       WLAN Interface shows disconnected

       plug in Air Link 101 and interface is able to be activated and connect

    .  shutdown                22 sec


second netbook is an Acer aspire one
    intel Atom (0.045) 1.6GHz processor
              1GB of ram
              160GB hard drive

.  ubuntu 9.04 i386 on USB toshiba 4GB thumb drive
     .  installation time   9min 22 sec
     .  boot time             24 sec
     .  login time             24 sec
        wifi is detected (Atheros chip set) and can be activated with no
             additional effort requiring software changes, etc.
     .  shutdown              13 sec

.  kubuntu 9.04 i386 on USB toshiba 4GB thumb drive
    .  installation time     10min 46sec
    .  boot time               30sec
    .  login time              1min 16sec
        wifi is detected and activated via the icon
    .  shutdown time       21sec


as with a previous posting doing the same thing with a desktop

1.  installation time is time from start installation on step 6 of install
2.  boot time from 0 sec display from GRUB to login display 
3.  login time from <return> on password until desktop display complete
4.  shutdown time from click on shutdown popup countdown to power off

Hope this helps.

Netbooks without the atheros chip set will need some work and I'd like
to get the instructions if they exist or come up at a later time.



I'm not sure that my previous post on the installations and times
ever appeared.  I saw a followup, I think.

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