Kubuntu Jaunty: German spell and grammar check does not work properly.

Bas Roufs basroufs at gmail.com
Mon Apr 27 15:32:21 UTC 2009

Hello everybody

Last week, I upgraded my PC from Kubuntu 8.10 to Kubuntu 9.04. Many things
seem to work quite well. However, today some specific problem became clear:
the German spell and grammar check in OpenOffice Writer does not work
properly. I have modules of 7 different languages on my PC - I installed
them in Kubuntu 8.10 via 'regional and language'. Before I upgraded to
Jaunty, it was easy to switch from one language to another within O.O.
writer.  Even within one single document of O.O. Writer, I could use
different languages and ther respective spell checks.

Now, I am working on a document in Dutch, English, French and German. The
spell and grammar check of the first 3 languages works correctly, but the
German spell check simply produces nonsense, even after explicitly defining
a certain alinea or page as German.
Does anyone have a clue on how to fix this problem?

I look forward to your answers. Respectfully yours,


Bas G. Roufs M.A.
Van 't Hoffstraat 1
NL-3514 VT  Utrecht
M. +31.6.446.835.10
T. +31.30.785.20.40
BasRoufs at gmail.com
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