no "upgrade available" notification

Derek Broughton derek at
Mon Apr 27 13:03:58 UTC 2009

D. R. Evans wrote:

> Derek Broughton said the following at 04/26/2009 09:27 AM :
>> I installed Intrepid, fresh, two weeks ago, and it never ran the
>> update-notifier until I started it up after Jaunty was released.  So
>> "how" is simple - it isn't turned on by default.
> I've certainly been receiving update notifications for several months.
> Indeed, I received a whole bunch the very day that jaunty was released.
>>> (2) how do I fix it?] But I repeat  that we have not passed the
>>> threshold
>> issue yet.]
>> You follow Clay's advice.
> Argh! Can I cry?

Not yet...
> I... have... done... that.... It does *not* fix it.
> I'm sorry; it just doesn't.

Fine, but you were complaining about Clay's advice while you hadn't actually
told us _to that point_ that the update-notifier was running.

>> Once you have the update-notifier running, you may perhaps need to choose
>> the "Fetch lists" option to update the available changes (I have no idea
>> if that's required - I had just run "aptitude update" when I first
>> started the notifier.
> I have fetched the repository lists so many times I have lost count. The
> only good thing is that the system is completely consistent: it always
> says that there are no files to upgrade.

_Then_ you have a problem :-(  What
does 'grep -v "^#" /etc/apt/sources.list' show?

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