no "upgrade available" notification

Derek Broughton derek at
Mon Apr 27 12:58:40 UTC 2009

Myriam Schweingruber wrote:

> On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 16:21, D. R. Evans <doc.evans at> wrote:
>> My laptop has a just-about-as-vanilla-as-possible installation of
>> intrepid on it. No betas, no PPA, no 4.2, nothing other than completely
>> official intrepid packages.
>> I have seen no trace of an "upgrade is available" icon, which surprises
>> me.
> There is no such notification. A running distribution, e.g. your
> Kubuntu 8.10, will only get 'update' notifications. There is no and
> will never be any 'upgrade to a new distribution version'
> notification, it simply makes no sense to have such a notification.

Er, if it makes no sense why _does_ it exist?  It's not an independent
notification, but IF there's an upgrade to a new version available, the
notifier tells you so.

> PS I strongly suggest to everybody on this list to *read* the precise
> questions asked by others, not just *assume* that it could have been
> meant otherwise. Answer the exact question given should be enough and
> would make the live of all of us much easier...
That would be fine, if all the users actually knew what questions they were
asking.  One of the reasons they're here, is because they can't formulate a
question well enough to get an answer from Google. Doc's no newbie, so it's
reasonable to assume he does know the right questions - but the original
question he asked was not apparently what he meant, anyway.

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