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D. R. Evans doc.evans at
Mon Apr 27 15:14:36 UTC 2009

Derek Broughton said the following at 04/27/2009 06:58 AM :
> question well enough to get an answer from Google. Doc's no newbie, so it's
> reasonable to assume he does know the right questions - but the original
> question he asked was not apparently what he meant, anyway.

It was exactly what I meant :-)

It was, however a threshold question. Depending on the answer to the
question I asked, there might have been follow-ups. Most people assumed the
follow-ups without actually waiting to see what the answer was to the

Kind of like asking "my computer just exploded; is that a problem?", and
then everyone saying "you need to buy a new computer", without anyone
actually saying "yes, it is a problem that your computer exploded".



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