Install, Boot and Shutdown Timings

chuck adams chuck.adams.k7qo at
Sat Apr 25 18:15:02 UTC 2009

  Gigabyte Tech M61PME-S2P mobo
  AMD Athlon 7750 Dual-Core Processors clocked at 2.7GHz
  4GB main memory DDR PC6400 800MB/s
  ATA Seagate ST3500320AS 500GB hard drive
  LG multimedia DVD/CD RW drive


ubuntu 9.04 AMD64 install:  12 minutes for use of entire disc
      o  this means creation of ext3 f/s for entire drive - swap space
          and installation of 2.2GB after uncompression of CD

boot time from 0sec on GRUB countdown:  19 sec to get to login prompt

login:  13 sec from return key on password entry until wifi popup

shutdown:  10 sec from click on shutdown popup countdown until
                  system is turned off

I have to install KDE3.5 and see how times are effected thereafter.
I suspect the times that others have posted show an additional
and non-significant time factor for KDE4.



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