Serious crash

Scott sclewin at
Sat Apr 25 18:41:25 UTC 2009


    I am just wondering if anybody else is having this serious problem 
or if can suggest anything that may help.  Ever since I installed 
Kubuntu 9.04 the computer crashes about every 20 minutes, and 
once while booting up.  The mouse is still working, but everything else 
freezes.  The keyboard is non-responsive and I can't click on anything.

    The weird thing is that I never had any problems when I was trying 
out the Alpha and Beta earlier on.  Just with this new install of the 

    I have been trying to shut down one thing at a time trying to find 
out what it is, but I am running out of things to shut off.  I have shut 
off Kopete, Kmail, kbluetooth, desktop effects, and now took off all the 
plasma widgets off my desktop.  I just can't figure this out and 
because I am forced to do hard resets by shutting off the computer I 
can't get any feedback from the computer.

    If it matters I am using a Inspiron 1525 laptop and my wife's older 
Inspiron laptop is working fine.

Your friend,

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