Changinnng to default BIOS settings has created problems.

Eberhard Roloff tuxebi at
Mon Apr 20 20:58:55 UTC 2009

stevenvollom at wrote:
>> So when you are in "recovery, safe values or whatever it is called", 
>> then when there is a prompt, enter your userid and then your password.
>> Then you will need to change /etc/X11/xorg.conf
> I can get a command prompt, but what do I enter? Do I use Kate?  Onboard 
> video is 8400 nVidia Gforce.  I believe it calls for the 173 driver.  
> Eberhard, I don't even know what searching a string is.  Where do I 
> look?  And would the command look like this 'nvidia river "nv"' without 
> the single quotes?

you can do it as follows, it is easy but not self-explanatory

1. login with your username and password
2. navigate to /etc/X11
cd /etc/X11

3. copy xorg.conf to a save name, you never know...
sudo cp xorg.conf xorg.conf.nvidia

4. open xorg.conf with the editor vim
sudo vim xorg.conf

5. when the editor opens, press i (just the "i" key for "insert")

6. scroll down the file until you find
Driver "nvidia"  (just like you see it here)

7. change "nvidia" to "nv"

8. Press ESC:wq (first ESC, then next ":", then next "w", then last "q", 
just one after the other

9. then reboot

10. Good luck!

If this is too complicated or will not work, there might be nano for 
you. With this, you can work easy and at least see, what commands are 
available by pressing Ctrl and the key, which is indicated.

so you might try
sudo nano xorg.conf

instead of using
vim xorg.conf

if nano is not there, just do this:
sudo apt-get install nano

>> This is how the teeth should look, I guess:
> If you notice the partial tooth to the right next to last, that is the 
> way they are on my card, so it must be right as is.   There is also a 
> tooth like that on the other side of the card.

Okay. So there is good hope that your card is alive and well and that 
you just screwed up your X configuration

Kind regards

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