[mostly solved] Fish won't work (long)

Tony Sivori TonySivori at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 17 04:54:11 UTC 2009

On Thu, 16 Apr 2009 16:28:18 +0200, Nigel Henry wrote:

> I don't use fish like you showed in your first post on this subject, and
> believe I had problems with that in the past, but simply as.
> fish://

Wow. That works, and as the regular user. Amazing that in all the time I
spent trying different things, I failed to try the simplest address of

Thanks too for the other info, Nigel, which I've snipped for brevity's
sake. I'm working 12.5 hour days all this week, but I'll try all of your
other suggestions when I have time this weekend.

Tony Sivori
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